Chen-Meilin, the Minister of National Development Council, had a banquet with the members of Taiwan Women on Boards Association, and they had a discussion on the current situation amongst industries. Ms. Chen expressed that in contrast to meeting with the groups which were dominated by males in the past, this was her first time having dialogues with numerous top female entrepreneurs from various industries. Each of them had demonstrated the features and specialty of their own industry. Moreover, they gave insights specifically regarding industries and public policies. Ms Chen was inspired by all these perspectives and hoped both parties would have more opportunities of interactions in the near future. The President of WOB, Jaclyn Tsai, said that women's opinions in the past were considered merely on certain occasions. She hoped that all the policies could take all the opinions from both genders into consideration, which enabled more variety of thoughts to be equally respected. It is beyond dispute that corporations in the West have benefitted from bringing in voices of females into corporate decision-making in terms of rising net income and brand images. However, in Taiwan, the ratio of women moving up the hierarchy to become decision makers, CEOs and board members is low despite active participation in occupation. In order to improve such situation, WOB called for prime actions by top female entrepreneurs in Taiwan to enlighten more working women. All in all, the cycle would enable sustainably positive effect on the society. Empower Women For A Better World!
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